Friday, July 13, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Mike and I watched the new Harry Potter movie last night. We are curious -- what did you all think? Post your thought here. If you don't want to know anything about the movie DON'T read the comments.


Tammy said...

I liked it, but I was sad that they had to leave out more of the Fred and George's antics and ALL of the quditch stuff. I was also looking forward the screaming portrait. I kept expecting something to scream in Black's house. It was good for what it was - but it wasn't the book. (not that I expected it to be!) It was really cool when they flew around modern England. - Tammy

Victoria said...

I loved it!! I had very low expectations going into the movie simply b/c it isn't the book and new there was so much that would have to be cut out. So when i went in not expecting a whole heck of a lot, it came out pretty fantastic! I loathed umbridge and that was what i wanted to see more of her getting hurt in the end. I thought it was interesting how Luna Lovegood's role became so much larger in the movie than it is in the book, but I think it certainly worked for the plot. I love the emotions this story can bring out, i was so excited, happy, mad, and sad all within 2 1/2 hours. Crazy

Anonymous said...

The movie was a pretty good movie, but i really like the books so the movies can't really even compare in my mind. My biggest thin is that the two-way mirror that Sirius gave Harry wasn't in the movie. Mainly because I have my own crazy theories about its role in this last book. I just can't wait for this Saturday!!! I am not letting mom touch the book before I read it because she told me that she was just going to the back of the book first and I know that she will tell what happens.
Mark (the younger)