Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sleepy Boy

I thought you all might think that this picture is as cute as I think it is. Of course I am sure that I will hear all about the fact that is of Dave and no one else - but he is sooooo cute!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Summer Fun

My latest scrapbook pages. Things they do when there is nothing to do.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Davis at the Beach

I thought you might enjoy this little picture that I took today. I Know you may not believe it - but all I did was ask him to sit on the bench. He sat there looking at the river for 2 WHOLE minutes!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Beautiful Trees

I love these crepe myrtles that are in front of my house. I thought I would share them with my family.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mike's Birthday

This is my 2nd project. I think that I learned a lot between the last project and this. What do you think?

Monday, July 16, 2007

My First Photo Shop Layout!

I have been trying to scrapbook for years, but the set up was prohibitive with my schedule! So after watching what everyone can do with digital scrapbooking, I decided to give it a try. Here is my first attempt. I didn't even use a template. I used one of Amy's "free" sources - Shabby Princess. I am pretty pleased, but I have a long way to go. What do you all think?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Women in Art

I saw this really cool video clip. I thought you all might enjoy it.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Mike and I watched the new Harry Potter movie last night. We are curious -- what did you all think? Post your thought here. If you don't want to know anything about the movie DON'T read the comments.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The floor is DONE!

The Dinning Room floor is finally done. YEAH! It was a ridiculous ammount of work, but I think it will be worth it. I cannot put any furniture on it until Wednesday afternoon. UGH!

Here is the before

And after...

Air Hockey

I won an Air Hockey "Tri". I am not sure where it is finally going to end up - but for now it is Davis's Room. There has been some discussion about making some bedroom changes. This new game will probably clinch the changes happening sooner rather than later.

Dave practices all of the time. He loves it!

Here is something new for Morgan to smile about.

Shawn LOVES playing games with the kids. We are having a grand time with this new toy. Mike of course hasn't even had the opportunity yet as he is away at camp.

Friday, July 6, 2007


I get a text from Michael today ( he is supposed to be at Appalachian State University, wrestling camp, in North Carolina) "Guess what I did?" To which I respond - get your first PIN. "No," he says, "but I jumped off of a dam" - I was like - WHAT. I immediately say to Shawn "that warrants a telephone call." (The over-protective mother that I am picked up the cell phone immediately!) I ask him, "you are at wrestling camp, right." He assures me that he is ok and it was a lot of fun, but Coach Orin wanted to take all of us to do it. I am not so sure that I trust this coach anymore (just kidding - super great guy). But I think is he trying to create eating disorders AND no fear? Totally crazy and I wonder why I have gray hair - plenty of it!

Later he sent me another text that he got his first PIN in a match today - he was pretty excited. Way to go Mickey Stickey! He should be back Monday night.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Floor Project

We are refinishing our dining room floor- Yikes we have never done this before.

Saturday I pulled up the carpet - LOOK What I found??? Wow that is NOT so beautiful. I believe that I am crazy!

Here is Shawn - look at all of the energy - trust me when I say that it was gone at Midnight.

Look at this finish from 1908 - WHAT DID THEY USE????? ARGH - It took us 12 hours of work removing this GUNK.

After 3 trips to home depot - this is our floor today at 5:00 PM - It was a process. Now all we have left to do is 2 days of Polyurithane. Can you hear the giddiness in my voice! No that is not the fumes - yet

4th of July Picnic

Here are a few pictures from our 4th of July Celebration picnic.

Here Dave is riding a car down a hill. He had so much fun. My children have never had a hill to play on - except at Gp & Grandmas. It is so entertaining!!! I just laugh.

Brotherly love! I think that I have a picture like this with Deb --- hummm

Shawn doing what he does best - listening or talking -

Dave LOVES watermellon. It i like a bug smile. He ate a cheeseburger - well the bun and cheese with ketchup - just so he could have Watermellon!

Here they are all lined up for fireworks.

Dave had a great time with sparklers.

Fireworks for GP and Grandma

Just a few fireworks to celbrate the 4th for some people far from home. But don't look to hard - there are no smoking black snakes like Dad used to have...

Monday, July 2, 2007

George Laub Home Restored.

I am sure that my family will remember the Nauvoo trip when I was about 12? (Sorry Vicki!) I found this picture on the Nauvoo web site - it is the restored George Laub home. Pretty Cool.

I also found, I think, a journal of his trip to the Salt Lake Valley. Really cool.


There is a book at the Harold B Lee Library (BYU) that I am interested in pursuing. Mom and Dad I thought you might be interested in this information.

There have been several comments about the emphamis "brick" - Yes it is a little ironic that it could be restored with a brick in Ohio! Maybe the hole is around back where it can't be noticed - hehe!

Girl''s Camp

Last week I was at girl's camp. I loved it as a kid, but as an adult it is not one of my favorite activities. Although, I did enjoy working with the stake leaders and teaching 2 classes, one on plants and the other on extinguishing fires. I also had an opportunity to be in charge of the “Solo” activity. I found a really neat story that I shared with the YW about Gratitude. It was really cool to watch them change from Self-Centered to thinking about others. Anyway, if you didn’t know where I was – now you do.

We went to a camp that had tranquilized and removed a black bear in the month prior to our visit. So we had to take precautions – locking the food up in our cars at night, and not leaving any food scraps around the campsite. The camp was beautifully situated near a lake. I had an opportunity to go on the five-mile hike. WOW did we climb a hill. 2,000 feet in 1/3 a mile! I was really tired.

Anyway - I am glad to be home! SORRY. I DON’T HAVE ANY PICTURES! I didn’t even take the camera out of the case. OOOPS! I will see if I can get some pictures from some of the girls, they took enough for everyone!