Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Photoshop Magic

Shawn has said that I have been making a scrap booking page, not a blog SOO I thought I would share something I have learned with you all. I have been learning and growing in photoshop. I just thought I would share with you all my latest accomplishment. See if you can find what is missing in the before and after.



It was a little strange cutting Davis head off to fix the background. He walked in while I was doing it and got all upset that I cut his head off. It was actually pretty funny. I think it looks pretty good, but I can see a couple of little booboos that I would fix next time. I love PhotoShop!


Mike and Mary Lee said...

That is really very interesting that you can do that. It makes the idea that if you take a picture of something it proves it is true. Here you can remove the car and you would never know that it had been there. How did you do that?

Max and Deborah said...

your program is awesome!! Love it I would love it, to photoshop about 50 lbs.